Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. Issue 4 pdf
A chance to get an early copy of Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. before anyone else!
Make a pledge without a reward
you will be my hero for helping out!
Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. Issue 4 regular
Early bird copy Issue 4 of Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. Issue 4 regular cover. Get a copy before it reaches the stores and online sales! This is the regular cover.L.E.E.T.A. is back, and she has new ally. Who is the mysterious Linx, and is she friend or foe?
Leeta Issue 4 Rare variant cover!
Rare variant cover Issue 4 of Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. There is a limited run of the variants and they are not likely to last! L.E.E.T.A. is back, and she has new ally. Who is the mysterious Linx, and is she friend or foe?
regular cover and variant cover, signed!
This is your chance to get both covers, and they are signed by the writer artist. I don't do a lot of shows so it is not that easy to get a signed copy!
Leeta issue 4 Japanese covers (both)
This is the extremely rare Japanese covers both variant and the regular cover with Japanese text! The interior is in English. Both signed by the artist
Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. 1-4
Get the whole story issues 1-4. Start right at the beginning with L.E.E.T.A. wandering the streets with no memories, and follow her adventures as her memories slowly return. Follow her as the deadly s.e.d. tries to destroy her before her buried knowledge destroys the whole corrupt system!
L.E.E.T.A. 1-4 + sexy robot book reg.
Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. issues 1-4 and the sexy robot girls art book (regular version) featuring a section of Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. including behind the scenes images including early designs and a section showing her appearances on Big Bang Theory.
LEETA 4+ robot girl naughty (nudity)
A copy of the sexy robot girls book with alternate pages (warning some nudity). Issue 4 of Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. signed
LEETA 4+ robot girl 11 x 17 oversized
Supersized 11x17 version of the 40 page sexy robot girl book. This is actually cheaper than ordering all the individual prints. plus a (regular sized) copy of issue 4.
14 robot girl 11x17 prints + Leeta #4
The entire set of 14 robot girl 11x17 prints plus the bonus "robot sheldon" from Big Bang Theory Print. Plus a copy of Leeta issue signed!
Prints, leeta 4 and hand drawn sketch
This includes all the prints, issue #4 signed plus an 11" by 17" sketch of any character you'd like. Preferably from a show/ comic that I worked on "Courage the Cowardly Dog", "Jumanji", "Dragon Tales", "The Simpsons", "Deathstroke the Terminator", etc. I am also willing to draw just about anything. Please provide reference if possible.
you appear in leeta 4!
Appear as a background character in Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A.
How would you like to help cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. regain her memories? Or would you like to part of the corrupt S.E.D. that is trying to destroy her? You can be a background character, with one line of dialogue. I will create a 3D model based on a photo you send me. This reward is for real L.E.E.T.A.maniacs only! you will be immortal in the pages of Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A.
As an added bonus, we will include all the 11X17 robot girl prints, including the robot sheldon print, and an 11x17 print of the page you are featured on.
all 14 robot girl prints (many featured on Big Bang Theory and Heavy Metal magazine issue #269)
signed copies of the regular and variant covers
your page featuring you as a 3d model in the comic
a copy of issue #1-4
an original sketch of cyber girl L.E.E.T.A.
Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. Issue 4 manga sci fi adventure!
The adventure continues. Leeta has new allies in her fight against tyranny in this sci fi manga style adventure!

This project is coming to life. Thank you for showing your support!
Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. Issue 4 pdf
A chance to get an early copy of Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. before anyone else!
Make a pledge without a reward
you will be my hero for helping out!
Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. Issue 4 regular
Early bird copy Issue 4 of Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. Issue 4 regular cover. Get a copy before it reaches the stores and online sales! This is the regular cover.L.E.E.T.A. is back, and she has new ally. Who is the mysterious Linx, and is she friend or foe?
Leeta Issue 4 Rare variant cover!
Rare variant cover Issue 4 of Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. There is a limited run of the variants and they are not likely to last! L.E.E.T.A. is back, and she has new ally. Who is the mysterious Linx, and is she friend or foe?
regular cover and variant cover, signed!
This is your chance to get both covers, and they are signed by the writer artist. I don't do a lot of shows so it is not that easy to get a signed copy!
Leeta issue 4 Japanese covers (both)
This is the extremely rare Japanese covers both variant and the regular cover with Japanese text! The interior is in English. Both signed by the artist
Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. 1-4
Get the whole story issues 1-4. Start right at the beginning with L.E.E.T.A. wandering the streets with no memories, and follow her adventures as her memories slowly return. Follow her as the deadly s.e.d. tries to destroy her before her buried knowledge destroys the whole corrupt system!
L.E.E.T.A. 1-4 + sexy robot book reg.
Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. issues 1-4 and the sexy robot girls art book (regular version) featuring a section of Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. including behind the scenes images including early designs and a section showing her appearances on Big Bang Theory.
LEETA 4+ robot girl naughty (nudity)
A copy of the sexy robot girls book with alternate pages (warning some nudity). Issue 4 of Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. signed
LEETA 4+ robot girl 11 x 17 oversized
Supersized 11x17 version of the 40 page sexy robot girl book. This is actually cheaper than ordering all the individual prints. plus a (regular sized) copy of issue 4.
14 robot girl 11x17 prints + Leeta #4
The entire set of 14 robot girl 11x17 prints plus the bonus "robot sheldon" from Big Bang Theory Print. Plus a copy of Leeta issue signed!
Prints, leeta 4 and hand drawn sketch
This includes all the prints, issue #4 signed plus an 11" by 17" sketch of any character you'd like. Preferably from a show/ comic that I worked on "Courage the Cowardly Dog", "Jumanji", "Dragon Tales", "The Simpsons", "Deathstroke the Terminator", etc. I am also willing to draw just about anything. Please provide reference if possible.
you appear in leeta 4!
Appear as a background character in Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A.
How would you like to help cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A. regain her memories? Or would you like to part of the corrupt S.E.D. that is trying to destroy her? You can be a background character, with one line of dialogue. I will create a 3D model based on a photo you send me. This reward is for real L.E.E.T.A.maniacs only! you will be immortal in the pages of Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A.
As an added bonus, we will include all the 11X17 robot girl prints, including the robot sheldon print, and an 11x17 print of the page you are featured on.
all 14 robot girl prints (many featured on Big Bang Theory and Heavy Metal magazine issue #269)
signed copies of the regular and variant covers
your page featuring you as a 3d model in the comic
a copy of issue #1-4
an original sketch of cyber girl L.E.E.T.A.