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Unfurtunately this project was not fully funded before the end date.

DoctorHelpline Your Personal Doctor, anytime, anywhere!

Health Advice 24/7 on Call, WhatsApp, and Video Chat


Legacy Team LA


out of $25,000


on January 2019

Idan Eilon

6 years ago












Free doctor helpline has been awarded recognition under the ambitious project- STARTUP INDIA, by the government of India (Certificate attached) This recognition is for the innovative use of technology for the benefit of mankind. This entitles our company to enjoy tax benefits for the first 3 years and also get a number of other facilitations and promotions by the government of India.


Legacy Team LA


out of $25,000


on January 2019

We are sorry, this project was not fully funded, no backers has been charged. We will keep everyone updated if this campaign is going to be relaunched. Thank you for your support!

Unfurtunately this project was not fully funded before the end date.