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UPRIGHT GO: habit-forming wearable. Improve your posture now!

*Available for purchase now. International shipping.*


upright pose


out of $25,000


on January 2020

Legacy Team LA

6 years ago

You could purchase this NOW and get 20% Discount


UPRIGHT GO is a tiny wearable device that improves your posture by vibrating every time you slouch. It also tracks your posture to the UPRIGHT app.


Screen slouching is one of the main prices we pay for our modern lifestyle. Poor posture doesn’t just look bad, it has very real negative effects on the body and mind, causing back pain and diminishing confidence.

That’s where UPRIGHT GO comes in. We’ve dedicated the last few years to crafting the most effective way to fight and correct this modern epidemic, and we’re super proud to share our latest breakthrough with you.























We’re confident you’ll like it. So we’re offering you a 30-day full money back guarantee, no questions asked!

Why are we so confident? Because it really works and we know it. Secondly, this isn’t our first campaign so we know what to expect with sales, shipping, delivery and every other step of the process.

 No-questions-asked returns. We know that self-improvement sometimes requires a bit of a push. So this is yours. Invest in yourself, try it, and see how it improves your life. Or you get your money back. See? No. More. Excuses.



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UPRIGHT GO’s double-sided soft stickers are durable and reusable, lasting an average of 15 applications, which lasts on average 2-3 weeks with regular use. The stickers are made from medical silicone and are hypoallergenic. They stick easily and comfortably and work well, even with hair and/or sweat. Each pack comes with 5 stickers, and they will also, of course, be available at an affordable price later on.

*Please note: we’ll contact you before we ship to see if you want to order more stickers or anything else.










UPRIGHT GO is our second posture trainer, our first one – the UPRIGHT PRO, was a huge success.

It’s not just us that think so, these awards on our office shelf back up our claim.


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Since our last crowdfunding campaign was so much fun and such a positive learning experience, we decided to again share it with you here.

We’re not hypothesizing here, we’ve got hard data and numbers to back up Upright Technology’s effectiveness, and besides seeing the incredible transformations first hand, we had some 3rd party tests. Click below to learn more about studies and tests done with UPRIGHT.

Click the image to download the whitepaper

upright pose


out of $25,000


on January 2020

This project is coming to life. Thank you for showing your support!