Tailor Made

Tailor Made




Backed campaigns: 0

Backed amount: $0

Created campaigns: 3

Gryphon: Smart WiFi Router to Protect the Connected Family

Available for purchase now. Gryphon is an AI based WiFi router that protects your children and all your devices online w...

602days left

7984$ 50000$

Pledged Goal

JUCI - World's First All-In-One PD Power Solution

Built in Wall Plug | Qi Wireless Charger | 18000mAh Battery | Lightning | USB-C | PD | Quick Charge

18258days left

1230$ 5000$

Pledged Goal

GAZE TRAY - Charge All Your Devices Together

The first wireless charger that fits elegantly into your space and charges all your devices at once.

17955days left

674$ 5000$

Pledged Goal

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