Unfurtunately this project was not fully funded before the end date.
Caroti | A Revolutionary Tea-like Drink Made from Carrots
About this project

As part of 'Projects of Earth', we present a revolutionary tea-like drink Made from organic Carrots, inspired by cutting-edge scientific researches.
Caroti is a project of Earth because it's a way to show the human unlimited creativity and imagination. It presents what is like to live on earth, having human's brain and heart, to think and to care.
Caroti submits some facet of life on Earth in 2017 as we being more conscious about healthy living, about climate. We can build complex chips and we can also achieve the maximal benefit from small things like carrots.
The Caroti story
Raw carrots are without a doubt full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but eating raw carrots can cause digestive distress like gas, bloating and abdominal pain which is common reactions after eating raw carrots. Scientific studies show that digestive distress can block the body's ability to absorb key nutrients, for example, Beta-carotene and Lycopene (high intake of lycopene has been linked to a lower risk of cancer and heart attack).

On the other hand, many other studies have shown that cooking carrots actually increase the amount of lycopene and delivers more antioxidants, such as carotenoids and ferulic acid to the body than raw carrots.
The disadvantage of cooking carrots is that can destroy vitamins, especially vitamin C, B, and folate. Carrots lose 30 to 35 percent of vitamins during cooking.
So the question was: what if there is a way to make carrots easy to digest and keeping all those key nutrients in a sustainable and useful way.
Caroti is the answer

Caroti is a sustainable tea-like drink made from dried organic carrots, so that the carrots keep all the key nutrients values such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them easier to digest, less formation of gases and higher absorbed.

One Caroti 40g = 480g fresh carrots
Dried Carrots are a good source of Thiamin, Vitamin B6 and Manganese, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, and Potassium.
- Dried Carrot may is more powerful than regular teas, even matcha.

Click here*
- The advantage of caroti is that we can get the nutrients as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from the carrots combined with other amazing ingredients like raw cacao, coconut, dried flowers, dried fruits, herbs, and spices.

Caroti is Caffeine-free, gluten-free, refined sugar-free. No bitter taste= no tannin.
we use the whole carrot to achieve the maximal benefits from it.
Healthy multiple-uses
You can drink it as hot tea, ice tea, mix it with yogurt, bake with and make your favorite drink like smoothie or milkshake.

Don't throw used Caroti tea away, mix it with yogurt and enjoy it.
Just need to use your imagination to have fun with Caroti!

Caroti is healthy, unique, delicious and Joyful experience for all family members

Caroti supports organic local farmer

The Caroti blends

Contain: Caroti Swedish organic carrots, apple pieces, raw cocoa, cocoa shells, caramel cream pieces, almonds, coconut...
Contain: Caroti Swedish organic carrots, orange, tangerine, marigolds, wild strawberries, apple pieces...

Contain: Caroti Swedish organic carrots, apple pieces, goji bars, blackberries, beetroot, marigold, rose peppers ...

Contain: Caroti Swedish organic carrots, apple pieces, rosehip, hibiscus, cinnamon, star anise, ginger, pink pepper, strawberries ...
One serving is 1-2 Tsp, so it's around 20 servings per 40g can

Why I'm asking for support
My dream is to make something good not to copy others, make more healthy options in the market and support health conscious life style.
I believe that my little unique idea with your support can positively impact the world, and I'm passionate about bringing it to everyone.
A fully-funded Kickstarter will allow me to:
-purchasing necessary pieces of equipment.
- Production and marketing
- Work exclusively with sustainable and organic carrots farms
- switching from metals to eco-friendly boxes.
How else you can help
Help us reach our campaign goal by backing this project! (And help yourself to a reward while you're at it.)
You can also support us by spreading the word about our Kickstarter campaign to your food-loving friends:
•Use the campaign hashtag: #CarotiForBetterNutrition
•Follow us on Instagram @sakbb_Caroti
•Follow us on Twitter @Sakbb_Caroti
•Follow us on Facebook @sakbb.caroti

I am so grateful for your support!
Risks and challenges
I have already spent around one and a half year doing my research, analysis, prototypes, did what I can to achieve the best results.
I committed to manufacturing the highest quality product, with the best suppliers and logistics teams to ensure you receive the best product.
Every project comes with its own unique risks and challenges, our is in producing a highly crafted product at scale, but should any issues arise I promise to keep you up to date on any changes.
*Please note that current images and footage here of Caroti are prototypes and as such, the end product may slightly differ.
We are sorry, this project was not fully funded, no backers has been charged. We will keep everyone updated if this campaign is going to be relaunched. Thank you for your support!
Unfurtunately this project was not fully funded before the end date.