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Unfurtunately this project was not fully funded before the end date.

Grass straws. Nature's way to fight plastic.

Made by nature - handcrafted by humans.


Ron Harris


out of $25,000


on February 2020

Legacy Team LA

5 years ago

This project is at 54% of its goal Help bring it to life.

Who are we? 

My name is Stan. Back in December 2019 my girlfriend Vivien and me decided to sell all our belongings and to travel the world in search for a solution for the problem caused by plastic straws, since we are responsible for it. Just like everyone else, since we have been using plastic for decades to zip our cocktails, lattes and iced teas.

That's us :)

What is our product? 

We managed to find the best solution in Vietnam. To be more accurate, in the Mekong Delta. A wild grass, with a hollow stem, which cut into 20cm pieces and boiled afterwards for desinfection is actually a 100% chemical free, natural straw with an inside diameter of 4-6mm.

These are our dried grass straws

At the moment we are able to produce 1 million straws per month, increasing production from July 2020 to up to 10 million straws per month. 

Harvesting in the Mekong Delta.

As you can see from the rewards we offer, the costs per straw are pretty reasonable. We want to offer the world an affordable alternative, while paying our workers a fair salary, harvesting only sustainable amounts of gras while maintaining high hygiene and quality standards. 

Our fresh straws :)

Ron Harris


out of $25,000


on February 2020

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#Community #Food #GreenTech #Green

We are sorry, this project was not fully funded, no backers has been charged. We will keep everyone updated if this campaign is going to be relaunched. Thank you for your support!

Unfurtunately this project was not fully funded before the end date.