Unfurtunately this project was not fully funded before the end date.
Taco Ninja Adventure
You wont believe the Tacos in this game!!! $15 + free shipping.
Taco Ninja Adventure is a team based card & dice game for 2-6 players ages 10 and up.
- Roll die to land attacks on the other team.
- Go to the Dojo to train and learn new attacks.
- Play item cards to create special effects during each player's turn.
- Heal your teammate from the After Life, or get lucky and come back to the fight!
Games last 20-30 minutes and end when all Taco Ninjas on the other team are at 0 health.

Check out:
The Rules in English
The Rules in Italian
The Print & Play


The project is customs friendly for Australia, Canada, the EU, and the US. We do not anticipate customs fees to be charged for any of our reward tiers. However, should you live in the US, Australia, Canada, or the EU and have to pay customs, please email Turnsidewaysgames@gmail.com with a photo of the invoice and we will refund you the amount paid for customs fees.
Ordering Multiple Copies of Taco Ninja Adventure:
If you are interested in purchasing 5 or more copies of Taco Ninja Adventure, please email Turnsidewaysgames@gmail.com with the following information:
- Number of copies desired
- Shipping Address
- Store name and website link if applicable
One of our team members will be in touch with you within 24hrs to provide pledge pricing.
Our Story:
Social Media:
Instagram: @TurnSidewaysGames
Twitter: @TurnSWGames
Facebook: @TacoNinjaAdventure
Risks and challenges
Taco Ninja Adventure has been extensively play tested and prototyped - it's ready to go. We understand there are risks associated with any project, but we're confident we've mitigated these as much as possible before launching this project. We have several different manufacturing options and shipping partners picked out based on how successful the campaign is and we're happy with their quotes and their customer service reputation. We have made friends with a lot of other game designers in Chicago who have gone through this process and have an awesome network to help resolve any issue that may come up during the campaign and fulfillment process. In addition, our team has a combined total of over 10 years experience working in international manufacturing in the consumer electronics space. We understand many of the pitfalls that surround creating a product internationally and delivering it to customers, and we are confident in our ability to successfully deliver a high quality product to our backers.
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We are sorry, this project was not fully funded, no backers has been charged. We will keep everyone updated if this campaign is going to be relaunched. Thank you for your support!
Unfurtunately this project was not fully funded before the end date.