Roberto Anderson
Roberto Anderson has not created any campaigns
Donated $60 on the project Children of Ragnarok: Norse Mythology Enamel Pins! for ✨ Special Six Pin Set ✨
Donated $78 on the project QUBIS Wireless, Smart, Stylish Modular Entertainment for Qubis Smart Light Module EARLY BIRD DEAL
Donated $50 on the project SKYLIGHT iTravel | Smart Travel Passport Wallet.. RFID blocking. Best Quality for 1 x SKYLIGHT: Oak-wood (Intro Special)
Donated $79 on the project JUCI - World's First All-In-One PD Power Solution for Indiegogo Special 1-Pack
Donated $690 on the project KicoBox Cubical Robot Who turns into an interactive coding experience for KicoBox School Pack
Roberto Anderson didn't viewed any campaign yet.
Roberto Anderson has no friends in the Locodor Community.
Roberto Anderson is not watching any projects