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Patent Search

This level is completed with my funds towards this app. I worked hard to get these images made and owned by me as well.

$500 + $0 shipping cost

Meet the Developers

Want to meet the people behind Army Run? Donate $8,000 and you can do just that. You get to meet the entire team and get exclusive news on the app development.
$8000 + $0 shipping cost

Help Advertise to Game Companies

Help me advertise Army Run so big game companies can get interested. I want to make this happen!
$7500 + $0 shipping cost

Small Donation

Anything helps. Even $10! I really appreciate it.
$10 + $0 shipping cost

Army Run A New Military-Style Runner for iOS and Android

You get to customize your character and choose what Drill SGT you want that will motivate you through the levels. The further you get in the game you rank up, get badges, unlock uniforms, and many more.


Ron Harris


out of $1,500


on June 2019

Army Run

Army Run is a new mobile app available on iOS and Android. Army Run brings you back to classic runner games, like Temple Run and Subway Surfers. However, this game is unlike any other runner game you’ve played before. In Army Run, you play at a super fast pace to avoid various obstacles. Of course, you can play different game modes and choose from a number of different characters — start off as Private and move up to JROTC cadet or ROTC cadet. You get to customize your character and choose a Drill Sergeant to motivate you as you’re running! The further you get in the game, you rank up, and get badges, unlock uniforms, and more.

Game Modes

Play a number of different modes to change things up a little. Modes include rifle range, map reading, rope bridge, gas chamber, obstacle course, and drill and ceremony.

Special Features

Get pumped up! Army Run features a “heartbeat” system to pump up the player to get ready to play! Once he/she is pumped up and ready, the game will begin.

Collect items to get a speed boost. Various items can be found in the game to boost you up. Care packages will be dropped to help you out, as well. 

Once you start to lose energy, your player will start to sweat. Drinking water will fix that. 


Army Run also has a leaderboard, so you can see who’s at the top and compete with friends to beat the high score!

Drill Sergeant

Army Run allows you to pick a Drill Sergeant to motivate you to run. He will be your guide throughout the game. He’ll push you to keep moving! If you need any help, the Sergeant will also give you tips to navigate through the game.

Game Soundtrack

The game will have cadence songs playing while you run. Unlock bonus tracks to make things interesting.

Core Army Values

Army Run was developed with the 7 core army values in mind:

  • Leadership
  • Duty
  • Respect
  • Service
  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Personal Courage

About The Developer

Hello, my name is Damien Harris. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you — you guys are helping me create my dream app. Respect for the military is important to me, and being a JROTC student in high school showed me that. I believe personal wellness is a key component in life, so making an app that reflects that is my main goal. I’m working with a company called Global Patent Development and I’ve already completed a patent search. I have designed a logo for my app, and development is already in progress! I’m looking for donations from anyone who can afford to give — including those who have some military background (JROTC, ROTC, Army, Marines, Air Force, Navy, etc).

Do you enjoy testing out the latest mobile games?  Want to be a part of something new? Well, look no further. I’d love to make my dream a reality. In total, we need $15,000 to make this happen, but every bit helps.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Help me create this app — you’ll make my dream come true, and I’m sure you’ll also enjoy playing Army Run!




Ron Harris


out of $1,500


on June 2019

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This project is coming to life. Thank you for showing your support!

Patent Search

This level is completed with my funds towards this app. I worked hard to get these images made and owned by me as well.

Pledge $500 + $0 shipping cost

Meet the Developers

Want to meet the people behind Army Run? Donate $8,000 and you can do just that. You get to meet the entire team and get exclusive news on the app development.
Pledge $8000 + $0 shipping cost

Help Advertise to Game Companies

Help me advertise Army Run so big game companies can get interested. I want to make this happen!
Pledge $7500 + $0 shipping cost

Small Donation

Anything helps. Even $10! I really appreciate it.
Pledge $10 + $0 shipping cost