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Thank you for your purchase!

Order No:

Please save this Order Number for future reference.

Thank you note

a little thank you note will be sent to you

$1000 + $0 shipping cost

Thank you note XL

a letter with a big thank you will be sent to you

$15 + $0 shipping cost

one greylense calendar 2019 (DIN A4)

one greylense calendar 2019
size: DIN A4
photopaper shiny

The calendar will be available in two languages, german and english. You will get an email after you placed the order where you can choose between them.

$25 + $0 shipping cost

one greylense calendar 2019 (DIN A3)

one greylense calendar 2019
size: DIN A3
photopaper shiny

The calendar will be available in two languages, german and english. You will get an email after you placed the order where you can choose between them.

$40 + $0 shipping cost

one greylense calendar 2019

one greylense calendar 2019
size: DIN A2
photopaper shiny

The calendar will be available in two languages, german and english. You will get an email after you placed the order where you can choose between them.

$70 + $0 shipping cost

two greylense calendars 2019

two greylense calendars 2019
size: DIN A2
photopaper shiny

The calendar will be available in two languages, german and english. You will get an email after you placed the order where you can choose between them.

$140 + $0 shipping cost

ten greylense calendars 2019

ten greylense calendars 2019
size: DIN A2
photopaper shiny

The calendar will be available in two languages, german and english. You will get an email after you placed the order where you can choose between them.

$650 + $0 shipping cost

Greylense photography calendar, where the best Pictures of the year get picked for the calendar

A calendar with Pictures from 2018 from greylense photography




out of $1,000


on April 2019

Hello Friends!

Like every year, I'm working on the greylense photography calender, where the best Pictures of the year get picked for the calendar for the following year. He will be printed on a shiny photopaper in DIN A2, DIN A3 or DIN A4 size.

For this process (image editing, sample prints, final prints), much time is needed. And also Money is helpful for such Project.

And thats the Point where I Need your help. I hope you like the Project.

If you have any questions, don't wait to ask.

See you soon and best regards,

Noah Lau

greylense photography
greylense photography





out of $1,000


on April 2019

Check similar projects:

#Creative #Travel #Photography

This project is coming to life. Thank you for showing your support!

Thank you note

a little thank you note will be sent to you

Pledge $1000 + $0 shipping cost

Thank you note XL

a letter with a big thank you will be sent to you

Pledge $15 + $0 shipping cost

one greylense calendar 2019 (DIN A4)

one greylense calendar 2019
size: DIN A4
photopaper shiny

The calendar will be available in two languages, german and english. You will get an email after you placed the order where you can choose between them.

Pledge $25 + $0 shipping cost

one greylense calendar 2019 (DIN A3)

one greylense calendar 2019
size: DIN A3
photopaper shiny

The calendar will be available in two languages, german and english. You will get an email after you placed the order where you can choose between them.

Pledge $40 + $0 shipping cost

one greylense calendar 2019

one greylense calendar 2019
size: DIN A2
photopaper shiny

The calendar will be available in two languages, german and english. You will get an email after you placed the order where you can choose between them.

Pledge $70 + $0 shipping cost

two greylense calendars 2019

two greylense calendars 2019
size: DIN A2
photopaper shiny

The calendar will be available in two languages, german and english. You will get an email after you placed the order where you can choose between them.

Pledge $140 + $0 shipping cost

ten greylense calendars 2019

ten greylense calendars 2019
size: DIN A2
photopaper shiny

The calendar will be available in two languages, german and english. You will get an email after you placed the order where you can choose between them.

Pledge $650 + $0 shipping cost