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INNOVATORS. One R.03 Wallet. is the first wallet on the market hat looks this good. Available in 3 colors: Black, Grey, Brown!
+ $0 shipping cost
INNOVATORS. One R.04 Wallet. is the first wallet on the market hat looks this good. Available in 3 colors: Black, Grey, Brown!
+ $0 shipping cost
INNOVATORS. One R.03 Wallet. is the first wallet on the market hat looks this good. Available in 3 colors: Black, Grey, Brown!
+ $0 shipping cost
Perfected Wallet: Fast Smart RFID Protected and Stylist Collection
Perfected Wallet Series. From the edge of expression. We have blended style, functionality and quality into an outstanding smart wallet collection.
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This project is coming to life. Thank you for showing your support!
INNOVATORS. One R.03 Wallet. is the first wallet on the market hat looks this good. Available in 3 colors: Black, Grey, Brown!
Pledge $35
+ $0 shipping cost
INNOVATORS. One R.04 Wallet. is the first wallet on the market hat looks this good. Available in 3 colors: Black, Grey, Brown!
Pledge $45
+ $0 shipping cost
INNOVATORS. One R.03 Wallet. is the first wallet on the market hat looks this good. Available in 3 colors: Black, Grey, Brown!
Pledge $60
+ $0 shipping cost
Yeron Hamudot
6 years ago
This project is fully funded, how do we upgrade the total amount? @dragos
Carol Chen
6 years ago
Do you have a working sample? what if I get this product and it is not what is mentioned on here?
Ivan Dean
6 years ago
Hi, I am interested in this crowdfunding campaign. Could you please provide me with more info?