Tailor-Made Startups

Tailor-Made Startups

IL, Tel Aviv

Service Provider


Backed campaigns: 0

Backed amount: $0

Created campaigns: 3

GroBox Indoor Garden Without All The BS. Growing system for everyone.

*Available for pre-order now. International shipping.* GroBox One - The Best Indoor Garden Without All The BS. he First...

37days left

16786$ 10000$

Pledged Goal

Genius Pack Supercharged: Smart Carry On Luggage

Stylish | Extremely Organised | Embedded Checklist | 2 USB Ports | Airline-Approved, with a Removable Battery and UltraL...

43days left

3989$ 50000$

Pledged Goal

Nucleus: The Ultimate Core Training System

Train Like a Pro! Proprietary Technology for an Elite Full Body Workout in Only 12 Minutes.

51days left

198$ 40000$

Pledged Goal

Tailor-Made Startups didn't backed any campaign yet.

Dragos Cimpean

I'm the main Web Developer of Locodor, so if you have any suggestions or just wanna talk with me, I will be pleased to answer. I like crowdfunding and I think a good method for startups to get funded and become suc

Yeron Hamudot

Startup for life

Legacy Team LA

Love for Startups and Crowdfunding new and interesting gadgets..

kamal mangache

hello, my name is kamal mangache, designer fo 8 years with e-commerce company in paris from home and digital ads company in uk from home and winner in more tha 60 brand design around the world with love of e-comme


Bye bye

Funded Today

Funded Today helps businesses to succeed, especially through the fast-paced world of rewards-based crowdfunding on both Kickstarter and Indiegogo! How? We at Funded Today facilitate successful entrepreneurship th

Tailor-Made Startups commented "Where is all the pledges @idan" on project Shoe Theory

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Tailor-Made Startups commented "Where are the pledges?" on project Seeds of Wars: RPG Realm Management

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LEXI LIGHTS-World First Interoperable Smart Lights

Compatible with Philips Hue. Multiple bulb types plus the World first Smart, Rechargeable lights LED

18163days left

1765$ 10000$

Pledged Goal