Justin Lo
Justin Lo has not created any campaigns
Donated $209 on the project No limitations with Feelreal. Enhance your entertainment, your gaming, even your meditations and home environment for Feelreal 🦋 LAUNCH SPECIAL
Donated $32 on the project 3D Augmented Reality for Every Smartphone AR is the Future for 1x Aryzon Headset | Solo Kit
Donated $100 on the project Replete - Take Control of Your Health Today for Medical Data Access for 5 Users - 1Yr
Donated $389 on the project BackStrong Chair Fixes How You Sit. the best chair in the world. for Order 1 BackStrong
Donated $170 on the project Phabit: Hands-free Eye-level Viewing Device for Smartphone for Family Pack: Four (4) First-run Phabits
Donated $579 on the project Powerful backpack-sized electric skateboard for TWO Apa electric skateboards
Donated $149 on the project LaunderPal | The smart laundry basket that takes care of your clothes for Retail Package
Donated $485 on the project AKTIVO Scoot – A light, powerful, and versatile scooter for everyday use. for Pledge $485 or more
Donated $230 on the project VARIANT | A Different Standard of Affordable Timepieces for Pre-Order Double
Donated $230 on the project ORII: Voice-powered Smart Ring Turns Your Finger Into a Smartphone for Duo ORII
Donated $30 on the project WOWSTICK: A 62 In 1 Pen-shape Desktop Tool | Match Any Desk. for Super Early Bird WOWSTICK Standard Pack
Donated $25 on the project Multipurpose Backpack with Solar Charger; Never run out of power for YIX Bag Black or Blue (1st Version)
Donated $28 on the project Masters Vol. A book of contemporary fine art for Digital book collection
Donated $5 on the project 5 American Presidents launch One America to help Hurricane Victims for Support Now. You will place your donation to the official one america appeal #donations website
Donated $90 on the project Kingii wristband inflation bag will pull you to the surface in water for Kingii Wearable
Donated $239 on the project Gardening Robot w/ Smart Camera, Smart Watering, all in one for GardenSpace - Super Early Bird
Donated $599 on the project TOYCOOL Your Multi Functional Outdoor Portable AC Unit. for Toycool Plus for Early Bird Price
Donated $169 on the project Hang-Chair perfect for Hiking, Picnics, Yards and Porches | HoverChair for HoverChair Crew Xtend Early Bird
Donated $79 on the project BLACKROLL SMART MASSAGE MOVE BOARD for your workplace. for Early Bird Price
Viewed IDNbook Smart Writing Notebook with Pen 5 years ago
Viewed Hubiz: the first audio gaming console (Canceled) 5 years ago
Viewed Roadmap Planner 5 years ago
Viewed Roadmap Planner 5 years ago
Viewed 3D Augmented Reality for Every Smartphone AR is the Future 5 years ago
Viewed 3D Augmented Reality for Every Smartphone AR is the Future 5 years ago

hello, my name is kamal mangache, designer fo 8 years with e-commerce company in paris from home and digital ads company in uk from home and winner in more tha 60 brand design around the world with love of e-comme